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6th China International Symposium on Tribology Held in Lanzhou

The 6th China International Symposium on Tribology was held in Lanzhou

The 6th China International Symposium on Tribology was held in Lanzhou from August 19 to August 22. The symposium attracted around 300 attendees from 13 countries. The theme of the symposium is “Green Tribology” which emphasizes the importance of tribology on energy saving and emission reduction.

Consisting of 4 plenary speeches, more than 50 invited speeches and 150 oral presentations and posters, the symposium took surface and interface, lubrication and tribochemistry, wear of materials, nano and biotechnology as subjects and covered topics relating to space tribology, lubrication basis and technology, fatigue and wear of materials, surface/interface engineering, bio-tribology and bionics, nano-tribology and nano-technology, tribochemistry, lubricating oil and additives, coatings and thin film technology, industrial tribology and testing technology.

To inspire young researchers, the symposium set twelve awards honoring young researchers with excellent oral presentations or posters. 

The symposium is hosted by the State Key Laboratory of Sold Lubrication of the LICP, State Key Laboratory of Tribology of the Tsinghua University and CTI and organized by the LICP. It has received support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Ministry of Science and Technology of China.

The China International Symposium on Tribology is held every three years. It has served as a platform for researchers around the world to exchange their latest developments and ideas in the field of tribology.

During the four-day symposium, two bilateral meetings, namely STLE-CTI Joint Session on Industrial Tribology organized by the Society of Tribologists & Lubrication Engineers (STLE) of the USA and the Tribology Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CTI), and China-UK Summer School on Tribology and Surface Engineering organized by the LICP and University of Southampton, UK, were also held.

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