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Professor LIU Zonghuai from Shaanxi Normal University at LICP

 Professor LIU Zonghuai from the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Shaanxi Normal University delivered a lecture entitled Preparation of nano layered electrode materials using delamination/reassembling method and study of their capacitance performance on June 11 at the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (LICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

In his lecture, Prof. LIU introduced his group’s work on new stripping reactions of inorganic layered compounds with different electrical property and research on rules of reassembly process of inorganic nano layer, etc.

 Professor LIU Zonghuai is giving a lecture.

Prof. LIU’s research interests include nano functional materials and energy storage materials. He has published more than 60 papers on Chemistry of Materials, Carbon, Journal of Power Sources, Langmuir, etc. He holds several Japanese and Chinese patents.

Prof’s LIU was invited by the State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication.

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