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Professor WU Chao from Xi’an Jiaotong University Delivers Lecture at LICP

Professor WU Chao from Xi’an Jiaotong University gave a lecture entitled Accurate coverage-dependence incorporated into first-principles kinetic models: Catalytic NO oxidation on Pt(111) on June 19 at the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (LICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

During his lecture, taking the coverage effects on O2 dissociation ad as an example, Prof. WU introduced his work on coverage effects on kinetics of surface catalytic reactions, including the background, design, detailed parameter and data of the work and the significance of the work on catalytic reactions.

 Professor WU Chao is giving a lecture.

Professor WU Chao received his bachelor and master’s degree from Dalian University of Technology in 2001 and 2004 respectively. In 2009 he received his doctor’s degree from Wayne State University. From February 2009 to 2012 he did postdoctoral research at the University of Notre Dame. In March 2012 he joined Xi’an Jiaotong University. His research interests include thermodynamics and kinetics of surface catalytic reaction, design of environmental-friendly gas separation materials, theoretical development and application of excited electronic state, self-assembled monolayer system, chemoinformatics and application of interactive multimedia software in chemical education. He has several publications in Nature Physics and Physical Review Letters.

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