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2009 UK-China Symposium and Summer School on Tribology and Surface Engineering Held in Lanzhou
   From 28th June to 2nd July, 2009 UK-China Symposium and Summer School on Tribology and Surface Engineering, jointly organized by the State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication of the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (LICP), and the National Centre for Advanced Tribology at Southampton, University of Southampton (nCATS), was held in Lanzhou. The conference was jointly sponsored by RUCK and ICUK. Prof. Que Qunji, member of the Chinese Engineering Academy and chairman of the Academic Committee of LICP was the honorary chair.
   Prof. Liu Weimin, vice-director of the Tribology Institute of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, general chair of the Symposium and Summer School, director of LICP and director of the State Key Laboratory of Solid Laboratory attended the conference and made the welcoming speech on behalf of the sponsor from the Chinese side. Prof. Robert J K Wood, vice president of International Tribology Council, director of nCATS, general chair of the Symposium and Summer School, delivered a speech in the name of the sponsor from the British side.
   During the conference, the latest R&D progress in tribology and surface engineering made by both sides in recent years were displayed. The reports involved the basic and applied research on tribology and surface engineering, erosion and wear of materials, biology and bionic tribology, nano-materials, nano/micro tribology, function and application of tribology and other related techniques in energy-saving and consumption reducing. Researchers from both sides exchanged views on the influence of tribology and surface engineering upon the construction of an economical and sustainable society and their contribution to it. In addition, the postgraduate forum and cultural activities were held during the conference, which effectively promoted both the academic and cultural exchanges between postgraduates from the two countries.
   Prof. Liu Weimin said that UK and China has always kept the tradition of cooperation and exchange in the field of tribology. During recent years, great progress has been made in tribology and surface engineering and the conference would further promote the exchange and cooperation between the scientific research personnel engaging in tribology of both sides and provide a good platform for postgraduates from two countries.
   Nearly 150 delegates from more than 20 institutes and institutions of higher education, including University of Southampton, Tsinghua University, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology of China, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai University, Jiangsu University, the Academy of Armed Forces Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Lanzhou Univeristy, Henan University of Science and Technology and Henan University, have participated in the conference. 22 conference reports and lectures on special subjects and the forum for young postgraduates were held during the conference. 16 oral talks were presentated and 14 wall posters were displayed by postgraduates from two sides. Besides, representatives from 4 enterprises engaging in tribology and surface engineering of Britain and China, delivered reports of technical exchange and demonstrated their latest technology and products.
   Researchers and young postgraduates participating in the conference all agreed that the convening of the Symposium would enhance the scientific cooperation in the aspects of basic and applied research on tribology and surface engineering between Britain and China and exert positive influence on the academic and cultural exchanges between postgraduates from two countries.


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