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Yan Xingbin

Yan Xingbin


Supervisor of Doctor Students


Name: Xingbin YAN

Data of Birth: November 28, 1977 

Nationality: Chinese

Sex: Male

Telephone: 86-931-4968055

E-mail: xbyan@lzb.ac.cn


Major in physical chemistry and material science, I specialize in following areas:

    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) based composites for mechanical, electrical and biosensor applications;

    Nanoporous ordered semiconductors and 1D nanomaterials;

    Amorphous carbon films;

    Polymer-derived ceramic approach, Layer-by-layer self-assembly technique,  Electrochemical deposition, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and sol-gel technique;

    SEM, AFM, TEM, Raman, FTIR, XPS, Electrochemical and mechanical characterization. 


(1)  Project Name: Nanoporous ordered non-oxide ceramics

    Project Resource: Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship, Commission of the European Communities

    Position held: Principal Investigator

 (2) Project Name: Low energetic dopant implantation of 1D semiconducting nanostructures and their applications

    Project Resource: Merlion 2007 Programme (France-Singapore Cooperation Platform)

    Position held: Co-Principal Investigator


Nov., 2006- Present,     Laboratoire des Multimatériaux et Interfaces (UMR 5615 CNRS),

Université Lyon 1, France

Position Held: Postdoctoral Researcher

Research Areas:

Ø    Nanoporous ordered non-oxide ceramics;

Ø    1D inorganic nanomaterials (carbon nanotubes as templates);

Ø    Carbon nanotube reinforcing BN, SiC and SiBCN micro-fibers.

Sep., 2005Oct., 2006, Nanoelectronics lab, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Position Held: Research Fellow

Research Areas:

Ø    Carbon nanotubes-based composites for electrical and bio-sensor applications;

Ø    Conductive polymer for chemical gas sensor;

Ø    Metal oxide nanotubes.


Sep., 2000-July, 2005,State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Awarded Ph. D degree on July, 2005

Research Areas:

Ø    Electrochemical deposition and characterization of carbon-based films;

Ø    Polymer-derived preparation and characterization of amorphous carbon and carbon composite films

Ø    Fabrication of carbon nano-spheres and Si nanowires.

 Sep., 1996-July, 2000, the Department of Chemistry, Shandong University, China

 Awarded Bachelor degree on July, 2000

Major in physical chemistry


Ø    Singapore IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award 2007 (2007)

Ø    Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship, Commission of the European Communities (2006-2008)

Ø    Scholarship award (postdoctoral) of Singapore Millennium Foundation (2005-2006)

Ø    President Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2004)

Ø    the Chinese Academy of Sciences Scholarship every year (2001-2004)

Ø    Shandong University (China) Academic Scholarship for four times (1996-2000)


Journal Papers:

1.    X.B. Yan, L. Gottardo, S. Bernard, P. Dibandjo, A. Brioude, H. Moutaabbid, P. Miele. “Ordered mesoporous silicoboron carbonitride materials via preceramic polymer nanocasting.” Chem. Mater. 20, 2008, 6325-6334.

2.    X.B. Yan, B.K. Tay, P. Miele, “Field emission from ordered carbon nanotube-ZnO heterojunction arrays.” Carbon 46, 2008, 753-758.

3.    X.B. Yan, B.K. Tay, Y. Yang, W.Y. K. Po, “Fabrication of three-dimensional ZnO-Carbon canotube (CNT) hybrids using self-assembled CNT micropatterns as framework” Journal of Physical Chemistry C  111, 2007, 17254-17259.

4.    X.B. Yan, Z.J. Han, Y. Yang, B.K. Tay, “NO2 gas sensing with polyaniline nanofibers synthesized by a facile aqueous/organic interfacial polymerization.” Sensors and Actuators B 123, 2007, 107-113

5.    X.B. Yan, Z.J. Han, Y. Yang, B.K. Tay, “Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube-Polyaniline Composites via Electrostatic Adsorption in Aqueous Colloids.” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111, 2007, 4125-4131.

6.    X.J. Chen, X.B. Yan, K.A. Khor, B.K. Tay, “Multilayer assembly of positively charged polyelectrolyte and negatively charged glucose oxidase on a 3D Nafion network for sensoring glucose.” Biosensors and Bioelectronics22, 2007, 3256-3260.

7.    Yan X.B., Chen X.J., Tay B.K., Khor K.A., “Transparent and flexible glucose biosensor via layer-by-layer assembly of multi-wall carbon nanotubes and glucose oxidase.” Electrochemistry Communications, 9, 2007, 1269-1275.

8.    X.B. Yan, B.K. Tay, Y. Yang, “Dispersing and Functionalizing Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes in TiO2 Sol.” Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 2006, 25844-25849.

9.    X.B. Yan, B.K. Tay, G. Chen, S.R. Yang, “Synthesis of silicon carbide nitride nanocomposite films by a simple electrochemical method.” Electrochemistry Communications 8, 2006, 737-740.

10. S. Xu, X.B. Yan, X.L. Wang, “Catalytic performances of NiO-CeO2 for the reforming of methane with CO2 and O2.”Fuel 85, 2006, 2243-2247.

11. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, X.B. Wang, et al., “Microstructure and mechanical properties of hard carbon films prepared by heat-treatment of a polymer on steel substrate”. Surface Coatings and Technology 190, 2005, 206-211.

12. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, G. Chen, et al., “Preparation and characterization of amorphous hydrogenated carbon films containing Au nanoparticles from heat-treatment of polymer precursors”. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 81, 2005, 197-203..

13. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, G. Chen, et al., “Field emission properties of diamond-like carbon and nitrogen doped diamond-like carbon films prepared by electrochemical deposition”. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 81, 2005, 41-46.

14. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, S. Xu, et al., “Field emission properties of polymer-converted carbon films by heat treatment”. Solid State Communications 133, 2005, 113-116.

15. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, S.S. Yue, et al., “Water-repellency and surface free energy of a-C:H films prepared by heat-treatment of polymer precursor”. Diamond and Related Materials 14, 2005, 1342-1347.

16. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, X.B. Wang, et al., “A novel method for preparation of amorphous hydrogenated carbon films containing Au nanoparticles”. Carbon 42 (1), 2004, 232-235.

17. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, G. Chen, et al., “Preparation and characterization of electrochemically deposited carbon nitride films on silicon substrate”. J. Phy. D: Applied Physics 37, 2004, 907-913.

18. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, S.R. Yang, et al., “Characterization of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon films electrochemically deposited on a silicon substrate”. J. Phy. D: Applied Physics 37, 2004, 2416-2424.

19. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, G. Chen, et al., “Study of structure, tribological properties and growth mechanism of DLC and nitrogen doped DLC films deposited by electrochemical technique”. Applied Surface Science236, 2004, 328-335.

20. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, S. Xu, et al., “Fabrication of carbon spheres on a-C:H films by heat-treatment of polymer precursor”.Carbon 42(12-13), 2004, 2769-2771.

21. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, S. Xu, et al. “Fabrication of oriented FePt nanoparticles embedded in carbon films by pyrolysis of polymer precursors”. Carbon 42(14), 2004, 3025-3027.

22. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, G. Chen, et al., “Effect of deposition voltage on microstructure of electrochemical deposited hydrogenated amorphous carbon films”. Carbon 42(15), 2004, 3103-3108.

23. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, S. Xu, et al., “Polymer-assisted synthesis of aligned amorphous silicon nanowires and their core/shell structures with Au nanoparticles”. Chemical Physics Letters 397(1-3), 2004, 128-132.

24. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, G. Chen, et al., “Synthesis of diamond-like carbon/nanosilica composite films by an electrochemical method”. Electrochemistry Communications 6(11), 2004, 1159-1162.

25. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, S. Xu, et al., “Fabrication of polymer-converted carbon films containing Ag, Pd nanoparticles”. Nanotechnology 15, 2004, 1759-1762.

26. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, B. Wang, et al., “By XPS and XAES study diamond-like carbon films from electrochemical deposition” Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 19, 2003, 569.

27. X.B. Yan, S.R. Yang, T. Xu, et al., “Tribological properties of diamond-like carbon films by electrochemical deposition”. Tribology (Chinese), 23,2003,169.

28. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, H.W. Liu, et al., “Preparation and tribological properties of hard carbon films by heat-treatment of a polymer”. Chinese Surface Engineering, 17(3), 2004,30.

29. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, X.B. Wang, et al., “Study on the surface morphology of diamond-like carbon film synthesized by heat-treatment of a polymer”.Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society, 22, 2003, 547.

30. X.B. Yan, T. Xu, S.R. Yang, et al., “ AFM study of diamond-like carbon films by electrochemical deposition” Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society, 21,2002,655.

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