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Jia Junhong

Junhong Jia, Ph.D. 

Professor, “Hundred Talent Program” scholar of Chinese Academy of Science. State Key Laboratory of solid lubrication, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS
Phone: 86-931-4968611,
Fax: 86-931-8277088
E-mail: jhjia@lzb.ac.cn;
Education Background
1996.07, B.S. Applied Chemistry, Sichuan University, China
2001.07, M.S. Physical Chemistry, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS,
2004.08, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry, Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Bio Sketch
Dr. Junhong Jia received his B.Sc degree at Applied Chemistry at Sichuan University in China in 1996. He joined Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences after amd received a MS degree in Physical Chemistry in 2001 and Ph.D. in physical chemistry in 2004. He went to University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee as a postdoctoral researcher in tribology after he obtained his PhD degree and then moved to University of South Carolina to continue his postdoctoral study on nanotribology of thin film. In 2007, he was offered a titled professorship, Hundreds Talent Program, of material science and engineering at Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is the recipient of a “Hundred Talent Program” grant from the Academy of China (2008) and a NSFC grant (2008).

Research Interests
The research in Dr. Jia’s group is focused on the R&D of novel self-adaptive high-temperature lubricating materials, functional nano-structured materials and applying knowledge to solve a range of problems in aerospace crafts, nuclear technology, thermoelectric technology and others extreme working conditions. Topics include: Design and preparation of self-adaptive high temperature lubricating coating and its tribological behaviors under extreme conditions; Tribological behaviors and lubricating mechanisms of nano-structured coatings and functionally gradient nano-composite coatings under extreme conditions.
Currently, we are also conducting fundamental research on the tribology of surface texturing and nanotribology of nano-structured thin film, including the controlled fabrication of nano-textured surface and its formation mechanisms; characterization of the microstructures, interface chemistry and friction of the textured surface; and the adhesion and friction of nano-structured films and textured surface in micro/nano-scales.
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