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Scientists from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine at LICP to Conduct Academic Exchanges

Dr. Sergei Danilchenko and Aleksei Kalinkevich from the Department of Biophysics and Mass Spectrometry, Institute for Applied Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, came to the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (LICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on November 29 to conduct a two-week long academic exchange with LICP researchers.

During their stay, Dr. Sergei Danilchenko delivered a lecture entitled Pathological mineralization: phase composition and crystallo-chemical characteristics of human ectopic minerals introducing the research background, current concepts concerning pathological mineralization and his group’s progress made in this field from the aspects of phase composition and crystallo-chemical characteristic of human ectopis minerals. In his report entitled Institute for applied physics (Sumy, Ukraine): current research and facilities, Aleksei Kalinkevich gave a general introduction of the Institute for Applied Physics, including its major research areas, facilities and those of the Department of Bio-physics and Mass Spectrometry.

Dr. Sergei Danilchenko graduated from the Department of Physical-Technical of the Kharkov State Polytechnic University (Ukraine) in 1982 and received his doctor’s degree in solid state physics from the same university in 1989. His main research interests include structure, microstructure and crystal imperfections of bone mineral in real and model conditions; ultrastructural organization of bone mineral crystal; functional role of structural imperfections in bone apatite;physicochemical characterization of novel orthopedic composite biomaterials which are structurally similar to biological tissues;pathological or ectopic calcification and accelerator mass spectrometry.

Aleksei Kalinkevich received his bachelor’s degree from the St.-Petersburg State Technical University and master’s degree from the Institute for Applied Physics. His research interests include biophysical application of mass spectrometry techniques, non-covalent interaction of biomolecules, molecular and radiation biophysics, design and physicochemical characterization of biomaterials.

Dr Sergei Danilchenko and Aleksei Kalinkevich would carry out research on biomaterials with the metal-based high temperature lubricating materials research group at the LICP under support the Sino-Ukraine Governmental Science & Technology Cooperation Program.

Sergei Danilchenko is delivering the lecture.

Aleksei Kalinkevich is delivering the report.

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