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LICP Publishes Review on Surfaces with Extreme Wettability and Tunable Adhesion
LICP Researchers Develop New Way to Enhance Tribological Properties of GO/UHMWPE Compos...
XUE Qunji Receives 2011 Tribology Gold Medal
Research progress
LICP Develops Lubricating Anti-wear Materials Under Harsh Conditions

The project “Basic research on lubricating anti-wear materials under harsh conditions” undertaken by Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (LICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and other research institutes and universities has passed the acceptance check organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST) and the work was ranked “excellent”, according to MOST.

During the implementation of the project, centering around developing lubricating anti-wear materials under space, high and low temperature alternating environment, high pressure, strong oxidation and other harsh conditions, researchers have accomplished a series of achievements, including the establishment of technological platforms for lubricating anti-wear materials under harsh conditions and revealment of evolution and failure mechanisms of the materials.


They have also studied physical and chemical principles of the formation of ultralow friction, lubricating mechanism in small gap and anti-wear mechanism of molecular films, developed ways for controlling wear under harsh conditions, illustrated the anti-wear properties, wear and failure mechanism of lubricating materials, developed more than several high performance solid lubricating films, space lubricating grease, lubricating additives and polymer-based composite lubricating techniques, high performance and long service life lubrication products for wide power devices. These products have already been applied in various fields.

In addition, during this period, the researchers have cultivated more than 100 doctors and masters, published around 300 papers, applied about 90 patents, and organized several domestic and international academic conferences. They have won several national and provincial awards as well.

Copyright (C) State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication 2010
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